The 40 Over 40 Project
Larisa Ivy,
Age 52
Tell me about yourself and how you feel about being a woman over the age of 40.
It’s really funny to even read the question asking how I feel over 40 because honestly I am not sure I have ever felt better. Physically and emotionally 99% of the time I am optimistic and excited about the next stages of my life. Sure, there are times that I can’t imagine there is enough coffee to get me through the day, and wonder if the path I am on to retirement is the right one but for the most part I am in a good place. I think when I was younger, even into my 30’s I was still trying to find that purpose. Some probably find it earlier in life but I was a bit of a “late bloomer”! I didn’t marry my husband until I was 32 and was blessed to adopt my son when I was 35 and that is when I truly felt a purpose. It defined a direction and I have been thankful ever since. Sometimes I think to myself how interesting it is to be over 50 and not FEEL over 50. Not sure what I thought would happen, but to me each stage in life is just another chance to try something new and find those adventures with those you love.
When do you feel most confident?
I try to always be confident in my own skin and don’t let a day go by without enjoying the silliness of dancing around the living room singing an 80’s song. But I like to think that my most confident times are when I am able to be myself and not have to change who I am, how I approach life, or fit any mold.
How did your painful times give you the gift of resilience?
Unfortunately I have not always been resilient but as we age I believe we learn to take a more analytical approach to those hard times. Age provides you a perspective that you may not see in the moment or in your youth. I remember early relationships in my 20’s that I literally thought my life would end without that person and looking back I realize it only shaped me to be a better person. The painful times of loss of family and friends for me has made me focus on priorities and not wasting a single day or opportunity to be happy and make others around you happy.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today and don’t worry about what other people think. Get the tattoo, wear the slinky dress, dance around singing an 80’s song (yes there is likely a theme here!), and remember to love yourself. Oh…and don’t forget to breathe. Before you get mad at the other driver on the road, get upset at a family member for not cleaning up, or frustrated because it is raining and you wanted a sunny day, take a breath and remember that you make a choice to enjoy what you are faced with and you shouldn’t waste time with things you can’t control. And if you can control it and it is making you unhappy - fix it, fix it now. Don’t waste a second of this beautiful life!
What would you tell other mature women about stepping out of their comfort zone and doing a photo shoot?
Celebrate yourself and what a wonderful opportunity to feel beautiful! You will be so thankful you did!