The 40 Over 40 Project
Julie Wood,
Age 50
Tell me about yourself and how you feel about being a woman over the age of 40.
I'm 51, married, with 2 kids. Spent the last 24 years being a stay-at-home mom, which was a dream come true. I'm courageous, stubborn, fierce, passionate, cautious, broken, determined, faithful, gracious, kind, tired and thankful. Being this age is not a lot different from being younger. I still feel like I'm in my 30's. But with the years has also come an incredible amount of wisdom, understanding and acceptance. My priorities have changed drastically, and my desires have been simplified. I no longer want 'extra.' I want simplicity. My number one priority is family, and I'll never regret dropping everything for one of my family members. I never imagined that I could love someone as much as I love my kids. I feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be their mom. I have 4 dogs that fill a lot of my time as well. The unconditional love from them is something I hope to never take for granted. They provide so much comfort. I just recently entered the empty-nest phase of my life, and I'm a little unsure what the future holds for me. I feel like this stage in life is a chance to do all the things I never took the time to do before. But where to start? For now, I remain grateful that I've been given the blessings that I have, and I look forward to seeing what unfolds in the future.
When do you feel most confident?
I feel most confident in nature. I am most connected to God when I'm outside, and I feel His presence all around me. Over the years, He has shown me that He really is a God of Love, Hope, Miracles, Strength, Comfort, and the list could go on. And I now know that all of my strength and endurance comes from Him. But when I'm admiring His beautiful flowers, clouds and butterflies, I feel like I could conquer the world. It's a powerful feeling.
How did your painful times give you the gift of resilience?
Like so many others, I've been dealt some really tough painful times. I've watched both of my children suffer from afflictions that were brutal. Afflictions that I would have gladly taken on myself if I could, just so they wouldn't have to feel that kind of pain. My son endured 3 years of chemotherapy from age 6 months to 3 years old. He had multiple surgeries and a year of experimental medicine, all due to a rare blood disease. My daughter had serious behavioral problems from a sensory disorder, and required therapy for several years. Our family has dealt with tragic loss, extreme addiction, and intense dysfunction. The road has not been easy. But I would definitely say that those experiences created a resilience in me that is a part of my every day life now. And that resilience comes hand-in-hand with a relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know I will make it through any difficulty that comes my way, as long as I remain faithful to my God. I do not have the strength on my own, but with Him, anything is possible. He has shown me how powerful the two of us can be when we work together.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Advice for my younger self...this is a hard one. My first thought is to tell myself "Buckle up kid, you're in for a long and wild ride." But that doesn't scratch the surface of what I really want it to mean. I think I'd advise myself to take my time, and not be in a hurry to grow up. I'd tell myself to travel and see the world before settling down. Find some hobbies that are fulfilling. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!! Practice conflict, so you won't be afraid of it. Remember your value and your worth! Or who knows? Maybe I'd just say "You're perfect just the way you are! Go and enjoy life!"
What would you tell other mature women about stepping out of their comfort zone and doing a photo shoot?
Do it! It's another life experience that will teach you valuable things about yourself. It's a boost to your self-esteem. Forget insecurities! There's beauty in every single woman in this world, and each one of us is unique in our own way. Show off your beauty!!