The 40 Over 40 Project
Gina Richburg,
Age 55
Tell me about yourself and how you feel about being a woman over the age of 40.
I am married and the mother of a daughter and son. We have two fur babies and one grand dog. We moved to NWA 3 years ago from Little Rock. When I worked, I never had time for hobbies. Since retirement and becoming an empty nester I decided I would seek out new things to see if something will stick. So far I have concluded, I will never be an painter, musician or have my own DIY show. I tried gardening this year ended up with 3 tomatoes. (The most expensive tomatoes, I have ever eaten). I have enjoyed cooking classes, my Bible studies and doing this photo shoot. On my to do list: a pottery class, more yoga and perhaps running or cycling. I do plan to give Gardening another run next season.
When do you feel most confident?
When I have the opportunity to be around good friends and family. When I am around people I love it gives me a big boost of confidence.
How did your painful times give you the gift of resilience?
If you talk to most people you will find they have or had struggles in their lives. Maybe it is illness or loss of a friend or family member, or perhaps it a health problem. It could be broken a relationship. For me during my struggles (painful times) I always had a friend or two give me encouragement and support. My husband is my true friend of 30 years and he lifts me up when I need it and helps me cut through the things that aren’t important.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t be so busy. Do the things you love the most. Stay active and eat healthy. Maintain the friendships.
What would you tell other mature women about stepping out of their comfort zone and doing a photo shoot?
Do it! It is fun and at the end of the shoot you realize that you can become comfortable in front of the camera. I have never enjoyed seeing pictures of myself but this photo shoot was different. I loved it.