The 40 Over 40 Project
Christal Warrick,
Age 40
Tell me about yourself and how you feel about being a woman over the age of 40.
I am a wife and mother. I have 2 amazing daughters: a 7yo and an almost 2yo. I work full time but, outside of work I love spending time with friends and my family. I love my 40s!! Having a kid after 40 has been an adventure and has also given me prospective. I have put more energy into me and have focused more on my overall health. I truly believe you can't show up for others if you don't show up for yourself 1st!!
When do you feel most confident?
When I take care of myself physically and mentally. Nothing like a good workout, eating good food, and then putting on some cute jeans or a fabulous dress!!
How did your painful times give you the gift of resilience?
I don't think you can truly appreciate the good if you have never experienced the bad. It is like seeing a rainbow after a terrible storm. The colors seem more vibrant, and it seems to touch your soul. I believe you find out what you are made of, we go through things we never think we will get on the other side of, but somehow, we do. I am a Christian and I believe God carries us through those times. We learn through those moments how tough we truly are when he sets us back down for that 1st step out. Everyone has their own levels of good and bad moments or experiences. Mine may pale in comparison to someone else's and vice versa, but those times have made you who you are today and how you decide to step forward will make you who you are tomorrow.
What advice would you give your younger self?
There is so much, I would almost need to write a novel here!! Top three that come to mind: 1. Your heart will get broken, but IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!! 2. The scale is a liar, stay off it and just nourish your body. 3. Don't compare yourself to others, you are running your own race, and YOU are your only competition.
What would you tell other mature women about stepping out of their comfort zone and doing a photo shoot?
Do it!! You will NOT regret it!!