Skills Lab Training

I have the pleasure of working with some amazing people in NWA. Meet Beth Pittman and Christie Martin. These ladies are a true gift to our community.

Beth Pittman and Christie Martin own Skills Lab Training. a company focused on helping you get to your next career step - whether through training and development, coaching, or finding a new role - they inspire people and help them see their value. 

Who is Skills Labs for?

Skills Lab was created because we saw a need for more accessible career coaching services, especially for those experiencing life’s big transitions. 

  • Parents were frustrated and searching for resources for their confused high schoolers.

  • Educators are being stretched thin, but wanting more for their seniors and graduates.

  • Professionals looking for advice in returning to the workforce after caring for children or loved ones. 

  • Business leaders looking to help their newly promoted supervisor with soft skills and hiring practices. 

We have a passion for building confidence and teaching life-long workforce skills.  

We work with clients at all levels of their careers to help them define and realize their goals.  We bring unique solutions to each situation so that services are personalized to meet your needs.  Our clients come to us in crisis and leave feeling equipped and confident.

Christie Martin & Beth Pittman

Beth and Christie started their careers in a Fortune 1 company handling recruiting, job design, organizational and change management for a variety of departments. They have combined 40 years of experience working with businesses of every size and people at every career stage. Both natives of Arkansas, it has been their privilege to see so many clients grow and thrive in Arkansas and across the country. They have proven expertise in helping companies to find and grow talent and helping candidates to set themselves apart. They both are passionate about using their skills to impact their community and increase workforce preparedness for the underserved. 

We are SET APART, so that you can be TOO!

The coaches at Skills Lab have a wide background in Human Resources, Recruiting, Change Management, and Leadership Development.  We approach situations with these experiences in our back pocket. We know what companies are seeking in candidates. Who has been advising you on career development, making your next job move, planning for 5 years down the road, or negotiating for a pay raise? Likely it has been a parent, peer, education counselor, or friend. Why not get expert advice on the most important decision you may ever make.  Believe us, it pays for itself!

It was an honor to help them update their professional pictures.


Beyond the Surface


Dr. Vonnice J. Boone, E.d.D., MBA